If you like to be on FaceBook and share Youtube videos, you must check out UVioO. The two mentioned websites earn large revenue thanks to you using their services for free and viewing their advertisement. What do you get for this? Nothing. Well, it is about to change if you join UVioO and start sharing your favorite Youtube videos on FaceBook or any other social media site. You can also become an investor and enjoy returns when they sell advertisements. Today’s article is to explain how UVioO Gold Positions work.
This is how UVioO Gold Positions work
There are in total 36 Gold Positions divided in 4 Gold Maps:
Gold Map 1
Gold Map 2
Gold Map 3
Gold Map 4
This is how they explain it:
You can acquire 36 Gold Positions! A bit like in the Monopoly game, the more land you own on the MAP the more money you make afterward. On UVioO you can acquire advertising land. We call them Gold Positions. Once they are yours, you make money each and every time we sell ad space to advertisers on any one of those Positions you own.
Let’s see how this work on Gold Map 1:
You see that the investment and frequency of returns is different. However they all bring back $1 in return.
UVioO Gold Position 1 is an investment in ad space of $9. When you own this position, after the 9th transaction made by UVioO selling ad space, you get paid $1 for all other transactions. When you acquire “Gold 2” for $8, after the 8th transaction you are paid back $1… and so on. The last position “Gold 9” which is 1/1 costs only $1 and the return is $1 each time UVioO sells this ad space.
You can see that it is much more profitable to acquire position 9 than position 1, but you have to buy your shares in order, position 9, then 8, 7 and so on. You also have to wait that a position is available for you to buy. They become available when others sell them.
As you can see I was a bit skeptical and as I just started with this program I only bought Gold Position 1 for $9. Nearly a month later this ad space has brought me $11, which means I am already in profit.
You see in my stats above that I have generated the $11 I am talking about. There are now for $124 worth of Gold positions I could buy in any of the 4 Gold maps.
If you want to acquire Gold Map 1, the total costs is $45.
Now that I have the confidence there is a return, I am going to complete this Gold Map when positions become available.
How to get your UVioO Gold Positions money:
UVioO explains it very well:
A Sell button will appear once you’ll have at least doubled your earnings. Once sold, simply acquire that position again to double your money another time! You can keep your Position for as long as you want and accumulate money for as long as you own that position. When you’re ready to cash in, simply click on ‘Sell’! Part of your earnings comes from UVioO’s Community, part comes from the videos you share and members you bring in! Keep Sharing!
It is like owning shares in the company that you can buy and sell, doesn’t that make you excited?
The 3 other maps are for those who can invest more and of course want to make more in return. You are not required to buy a complete Gold map to continue with the next one. You may, if you wish, buy all first positions in all Gold maps.
Let’s have a quick look at Gold Position 4
You see that this time the first position is $200 to purchase, but will bring you $40 after the 5th transaction and so on.
An important point to notice is that when you purchase Gold Positions, you are also given ad credits. For example, Gold Position 19 is $100 and you will receive 10,000 ad credits to advertise your ad 10,000 times on UVioO!
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I hope this post has explained clearly to you what UVioO Gold positions are.
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