Nowadays everybody with an Internet connection has an email account. You certainly have a private email account and a professional email account to keep things separated. Sometimes you may come across a website on the internet that asks for your email address in order to watch a video or receive a free ebook. You may not be willing to input in the form your real email address and it is where a free disposable email address comes handy.
Free Disposable Email with Mailinator
* Click on the image above to go to Mailinator or click here.
You can create any free disposable email address on the fly with Mailinator. Use the domain name and before the @ sign add anything.
For example, I can add my name “michelgerard” to rent the email address: [email protected] and use it in a webform online like this one.
I said rent the email address because I do not own it like any other regular email service.
The emails sent to Mailinator are not private and anyone can see them after they check the inbox. You can check the inbox by entering the email address you used like this.
There is no password, only the email address has to be entered and it is why it is not private and not secure.
You will see.
Oh! I received one message. You can see who is the sender, the subject and when it was received. Click on the subject line to read the email.
This email message is disposable and this means that in a few hours it will be automatically deleted from the system. If you have put the email in the webform of a website, you should have a link in the message to click in order to get the free report or free video. All future emails from the list you have signed-up will go in this inbox and will be deleted.
Do not use Mailinator if you are genuinely interested in receiving a Newsletter.
You can forward the disposable email message to your own email address if you wish to keep a copy. Click on the “Forward” button.
Enter the Captcha code and enter your email address. You will receive a copy like this.
Keep in mind that Mailinator allows you to receive emails and have them available for only a few hours. You can’t reply or send emails. Mailinator email addresses are public and you do not own them…
Let’s see what “Bob” received recently. I entered [email protected] in the “Check your Inbox” window and this is what I get.
And this is just the first entries… Bob got lots of emails in the past few hours!
Now, let’s see what we have for Michael Jackson!
[email protected] only has one message… more will come. You can use that email address if you wish to. 😉
This is how you can use Mailinator for a free disposable email address you need on the spot.