In the previous tutorial you have learned how to make a video blog post embedding videos from Vimeo, Youtube or any other video sharing sites. In today’s Blog Beast tutorial you are going to learn how to change the theme of your blog in just a few clicks. There are at the moment 6 Themes available and as the “Theme Picker” is in Beta more are expected to be added in the future.
Missed the previous tutorials?
Read previous Blog Beast Tutorial.
Read first Blog Beast Tutorial.
Blog Beast Tutorial 14
Go to the login page located here and log in.
Then select on the menu “View Edit my Blog”.
Click on the little “+” sign at the top left of your blog.
The different options show. Click on the “Theme Picker” link at the right.
Theme 1 with the orange border is active on the blog.
Now let’s preview Theme 2.
Hover your mouse on Theme 2 and you will see a link “Preview Template” appearing.
Click on this link and you have the preview.
You have the choice now to cancel or activate the theme in clicking one of the button at the top right.
You also have the possibility to activate a theme without previewing, directly from the list.
Click the Theme you want to use, a blue border will confirm it is selected, and then click the “Use Selected” blue button.
This is an example of one of the Theme.
All the themes are modern and clean.
You may change the theme back at any moment without losing any content.
That’s all now.
I hope this tutorial will be useful to you and I will see you in the next Blog Beast tutorial.
If you have questions, comment below.
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