You have learned in the previous tutorial how to change the 3 main banners on the blog and link them. In this Blog Beast tutorial you are going to learn how to use the additional buttons and menus that were just made available in the Text editor. The Blog Beast was launched in October and more functionality will be added from time to time.
Missed the previous tutorials?
Read previous Blog Beast Tutorial.
Read first Blog Beast Tutorial.
Blog Beast Tutorial 10
Go to the login page located here and log in.
You will see the 4 blue buttons.
As we are going to make a “text” post, click on the first button.
This window will show.
In this tutorial we will describe the use of the buttons circled in RED, which have been just added to the editor as an update.
For a tutorial on how to use the other main buttons, click here.
The first row of buttons
The first button for today is the Strike through as you can see in the image below.
Then the Subscript, which can be useful if you blog about chemistry…
And the Superscript for your Maths posts or your square meters…
These three previous buttons are not very used, but nice to have.
The following features are more important. These are the same buttons you have in your desktop Word processor.
This is the default alignment of your text, which is left.
You can center text…
or align right.
This is the button that will enable you to color your text. A selection of colors shows in a small window for you to choose from.
This option will color the background. Very nice to be able to highlight important sentences in a blog post.
We have now a second row in the editor with menus.
The first menu is for the paragraph format.
Choose from the menu the kind of paragraph you want.
The second menu is for the Font style you want
Highlight the text and select a font style in the menu.
The third menu is for the font size.
This is exactly the same as your Word processor.
The last menu is for Block styles.
Select the text you want to style and choose a block style in the menu.
Of course, you can still ignore these menus and use the default setting.
That’s all for today!
I hope this tutorial will be useful to you and I will see you in the next Blog Beast tutorial.
If you have questions, comment below.
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