Writing a blog post and let it sit like this without any promotion is not what’s going to bring you readers. The usual steps to promote a blog post are to ping the new post and to share it with your favorite social media websites, but there is more than you can do. I came across … Read More →
On the 5th December 2013, I published a blog post about my best high ranking blog system and how it beat my WordPress blog on a 10 years old domain. Today, I’d like to give an update and show you how my ranking in the example given has progressed, without building any back-links, in this ENV2 … Read More →
When you create a blog post or a page in WordPress it has to be identified by a unique link, which is like an address or a phone number. In order for users to reach your blog post they need to know the address, the “Permalink”. It is called a “Permalink” because it is a Permanent Link … Read More →
When a blog post is published it is necessary to let all the search engines know that there is new content on your blog. This is done by pinging manually or automatically the new blog post to a list of ping services. WordPress pings automatically your post when it is published, which is great, but also … Read More →
Search engines crawl the Internet to index webpages and that is the reason your site and pages are indexed without you doing anything. The problem with this is that it can take a very long time for Google and the others to find and index your new content, and some pages may even not be … Read More →
Last month I started to write a series of 14 quality Blog Beast tutorials on this blog expecting to rank very well in search engines with this 11 years old domain name pantika.com. I use the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin and as I got a green light SEO score for all the posts, I expected … Read More →